Industrial Internet Now
Data | 26.12.2014 |

The missing component in the industrial internet conversation

“Unlike consumer-based IoT that is trying to devise a way to make your world a better place by telling you when your washing machine needs service or letting you control all of your home’s systems while you are away, the IIoT is working to make our collective world a better place by improving the monitoring, control and safety of everything around us. In short, reducing risk and improving the reliability of our massive industrial systems. No small task given the amount of data that will be generated by all of those devices running around the clock”, says Matt Cicciari, Associate Director of Solution Marketing at Meridium.

“But there is an important component missing from many conversations that will glue it all together: software”, he states.

Find out more on the necessity of software in the equation in Wired Innovation Insights:

Via Wired Innovation Insights

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